Portfolio Management Services or Portfolio Management Schemes have been gaining popularity in the recent past as a service of choice for High Net worth Individuals to manage their equity portfolios. Traditionally, such services were expensive and available for very large investments only. However, times have changed and services have become more affordable. Let us understand the intricacies of a Portfolio Management Service ( PMS)
A PMS or Portfolio management services firm manages the listed equity portfolio of an investor to generate returns. Most investors find it difficult to track the stock market on a day to day basis and manage their own portfolios, due to limitations of bandwidth, time & resources. A PMS offers a customised portfolio management for such investors with direct access to the fund manager.
PMS services are available across India and normally have offices in metros or semi metros. However, given that most services now operate online, the physical location of the service provider is not material. Tulsian PMS is India’s first e-PMS with onboarding and access to all reports being available online.
PMS are broadly of two kinds
Tulsian PMS is a discretionary PMS. However, investor's can specify any specific stocks where they do not want to invest, e.g. sin stocks or stocks where it may be considered a violation of a statutory requirement due to their employment
Market regulator SEBI has made it compulsory for any PMS to obtain a registration number from SEBI. However, there are services which are still not registered, investors should ensure that their service provider has a SEBI registration.
Defining the best portfolio manger or Best Portfolio Management Services in India is an uphill task. Instead of trying to find “the best portfolio service/ manager” you should try to find the “the best portfolio service or manager for YOU”. Each portfolio manager & firm has a different style, investment philosophy and fee structure. While some invest only in small and mid cap stocks, others invest in only large cap. Still others, invest across the spectrum. Some follow value investment philosophy, some follow growth investing and yet others have their own methods.
At Tulsian PMS, the heart of our investment philosophy are client needs and customisation of portfolio is done as per the risk profile of the client. We follow a VIVU strategy of stock picking with a multi cap style of investment. Fee structure is investor friendly with upside sharing with high watermark principle. Contact us to find out more.